Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

i am trying to grow my hair into a chin length layered bob and am getting a bit frustrated at the length of time its taking. any ideas?

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

hmmm i think all products they saying they might help ,,, helping only some people get rich and not resoling our problem ,,, think u need a patience ,,, if there will be something on the market we would here about it dint u think??? just after u wash ur hair just comb it straight that maybe will make they look longer ,,, that's what I'm doing anyway

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

get regular trims every 8 weeks (only need a little bit off) but this will keep your hair healthy and help it grow quicker. also go to health shop, they have tablets that help hair grow quicker.


How can i make my hair grow quicker?

try massaging the skin of your head for 3-4 minutes when you wash it... it will improve the circulation of that area, and you hair will have more nutrients to feed of... therefore, it will grow a bit faster, and be stronger and healthier

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

hair tips

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

Actually, in reply to kazamorphin, regular trims won't help. Yeah, so regular trimming helps trees grow faster, but it won't work with hair because hair is just dead cells and they won't respond to trimming or products. However, there are certain treatments that apparently help hair grow, but I'm not entirely sure how much of it is true. You'll just have to wait.

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

dont trim it. braid it tight every night and it will grow faster

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

The average growth of healthy hair on the scalp is about one half inch per month. The rate of growth will differ between sexes,among races,and with age. The growth of scalp hair occurs more rapidly between the ages of 15 and 30, and declines sharply between 50 and 60.

Hair growth is not increased by any of the following:

1. cutting ,trimming, or shaving

2. the application of ointments or oils. They just act a lubricants to the hair shaft, but do not feed the hair.

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

stand upside down in fertilizer each night

You're hair might not grow faster, but your hairdresser won't want to cut it for a long time.

Or pull your neck downwards..

It WILL look longer that way.

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

Definetly trimming it is the best idea. Every 2 months like the first girl suggested is great. Depending on how fast your hair grows this should really work. My hair grows very slowly and I can't get my hair cut any sooner than 2 months. My husband wanted my hair VERY long and it was only just passed my shoulders, so it has taken me 2 years but my hair is finally all the way down my back. It will take time and patience,but if you hair is already SHORT than getting it to your chin should really only take a few more months, with regular trims. You may be able to go longer the shorter your hair is. Although make sure they trim hardly ANY off the bottom, go to a hairdresser you trust!


How can i make my hair grow quicker?

Well get regular trims to get rid of split ends and dead hair so it will grown more nicely.

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

Get your hair trimmed every 6 weeks, and eat lots of fish and eggs.

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

ild get it trimmed but have you thought about extensions or hair clips that look like a ponytail. when my hair was short i wore an hair clip for about 3 months or more, having it tied up but looking long took my mind off it and when i did let it down on odd ocasions i was suprised how much it had grown.

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

Use extensions

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

Well i guess you should just comb it as much as you can. thats what some other people are saying.

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

Massage scalp with few drops of castor seed oil for a few minutes daily.Comb the hair fast and biskly,slightly touching scalp for few minutes daily.Rub the hand nails together (left and right hand nails agianst each other)for five minutes daily.Eat a few curry leaves.Take Zevit or any vitamin containing Zinc daily

How can i make my hair grow quicker?

Massage your scalp when washing your hair, this encourages blood flow to the hair folicles and therefore encourages growth....worked for me!

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