Thursday, November 12, 2009

Need advice on lightening my hair?

i have a bob cut and it has been dyed a very dark brown with permanant colourant. i have bought loreals prelightening kit which states on it that it can be used to strip permanant colour so that you can then put a lighter colour shade, (say dark blonde, light brown) on it afterwards. i know after the prelightening it will probably go a bright copper colour or even worse, but then it says to use one of their own colourant ranges to acheive your lighter colour. I am very nervous about this, is there any chances of it going green or something? i mean it does say to strip it then recolour it and their both from the same make. i know this might damage my hair but its only a bob cut which will grow out quite quickly and i can use deep conditioners. any advice or has anyone actually done this?

Need advice on lightening my hair?

I think it is a bit risky and probably best left to a hair dresser... in an case i imagine you're going to do it. It won't go green, that only happens when you go swimming with bleached hair. Having said that, I bleached my hair and then when I put a brown over it after a few washes it turned a funny colour and had to go to the hairdressers, I wouldn't recommend it xx

Need advice on lightening my hair?

You are right to think that your hair will turn a copper shade or at least be brassy in areas. This should be easy to correct if you decide that isn't what you can live with . The reason these home kits bring out the brassy tones is that they are one fits all type of product and anyone with any shade of haircolor can use them, with drastically different results.

I would not use a 20 volume developer to achieve blonde highlights in a level 5 or 6 brunette.. .but these kits almost always use 20 volume peroxide with their product.

It is unlikely that green will happen, as this means you have excess of ash (or green/purple) hues in the hair.

Good luck... :)

Need advice on lightening my hair?

It will only go green if you were to bleach your hair with peroxide and then put on a brown shade without putting the red pigment back in first.

You should be alright, but if you are unsure get them to apply it in a salon, they would probably charge but better safe than sorry.

Need advice on lightening my hair?

I have the best answer for your question "Need advice on lightening my hair?". Please click the link below to check my answer:

Need advice on lightening my hair?

To achieve a blonde target color you need to pre-lighten your hair to gold/yellow. Pre-lighten to copper/orange for a light brown target color.

The color you put on after the pre-lightening will not lighten it any further. It is to neutralize the contributing pigment (orange, yellow) that is left in your hair post pre-lightening.

You do not have to use any particular brand.

Need advice on lightening my hair?

just use highlights and gradually grow the darker colour out. don't keep on permanantly dynig your hair-it will turn to straw.

Need advice on lightening my hair?

in the last two weeks i have put about 8 dyes on my hair on to coloured hair. first i prelightened it then added the same brand toner but it was orangey, since then ive put ash blondes,lightest browns and ash brown and it did not go green

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